Welcome and introduction
Dino Pedreschi, Marco Conti, Giuseppe Iannaccone, Vincenzo Ambriola, Andrea Ferrara, Roberto Scopigno
Explainable AI for synergistic human-AI collaboration
Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti
LORE Framework: a platform for exploring local based explanation methods
Salvatore Rinzivillo
AI, Meet Human: Learning Paradigms for Hybrid Decision Making Systems
Roberto Pellungrini
Explainable diagnosis of oral cancer via deep learning and case-based reasoning
Mario Giovanni Cosimo Antonio Cimino, Tommaso Turchi
ABEL: Human-in-the-loop in Human-Robot Interaction
Lorenzo Cominelli, Federico Galatolo
System 1 and System 2: Machine Learning and Reasoning
Salvatore Ruggieri, Umberto Straccia
PN-OWL: A Two-Stage Algorithm to Learn Fuzzy Concept Inclusions Rules from OWL 2 Ontologies
Umberto Straccia
REASONX: Declarative Reasoning on Explanations Using Constraint Logic Programming
Salvatore Ruggieri
Non-standard analysis to empower machine learning and deep learning algorithms: preliminary theoretical results
Lorenzo Fiaschi
An overview of mathematical structures in learning models
Marco Romito
Human-centered Lifelong Learning for Complex Data
Alessio Micheli
Pervasive continually learning RNNs with guarantees
Davide Bacciu
Lifelong learning for socially and environmentally sustainable AI
Vincenzo Lomonaco
Advances in node classification with efficient models for learning on graphs
Domenico Tortorella
VISIONE: A software tool for searching and browsing large video collections
Nicola Messina
Learning to quantify graph nodes
Marco Podda
What do Large Language Models know about engineering relations?
Vito Giordano
Keynote: The Humane-AI EU network of excellence
Paul Lukowicz
The industrial and societal potential of human-centered AI
Mario D Almo, Giuseppe Mazzotta, Matteo Garofalo
Human-AI Socio-Technical Complex Systems
Chiara Boldrini, Dino Pedreschi
Hybrid human-AI decision making
Andrea Passarella
Mass media impact on opinion evolution in biased digital environments
Giulio Rossetti
Data-driven urbanism. How Artificial Intelligence can (re)produce spatial asymmetries in the contemporary city
Michela Lazzeroni, Antonello Romano
Ranking Matters: Addressing Male Advantage in Educational YouTube Videos
Gizem Gezici
Renewable energy sources planning at the regional level: a case study in Italy
Daniele D'Armiento
Decentralized, cooperative learning
Raffaele Perego, Francesco Marcelloni
Energy-efficient KNN on FPGA
Franco Maria Nardini
Exploring the Impact of Disrupted P2P Communications on Fully Decentralised Learning in Disaster Scenarios
Lorenzo Valerio
Federated learning of interpretable AI models: a privacy preserving solution to collaboratively learn Trustworthy AI systems
Pietro Ducange
Co-design methodologies for trustworthiness by-design
Anna Monreale
Overview and analysis on the Ethical Codes
Silvia Dadà , Adriano Fabris
Ethics, image generation and AI
Veronica Neri
Formal verification of neural networks in cyber-physical systems
Cinzia Bernardeschi, Federico Rossi
Privacy risk assessment of (X)AI systems and their mitigation
Francesca Naretto
FAIR Spoke 1 meets industry - Introducing cascading calls for companies
Round table of WP leaders: Human-centered AI, Generative AI and EU's AI Act: what's next?
Dino Pedreschi, Francesco Marcelloni, Fosca Giannotti, Chiara Boldrini, Adriano Fabris, Raffaele Perego, Umberto Straccia, Fabrizio Sebastiani